
Advantages of metal powder injection molding technology

Editor:嘉興精科科技有限公司 │ Release Time:2021-03-01 

The metal powder injection molding process has low cost and high efficiency, and can be customized to process any complex and small metal hardware accessories. For such a process, it is also called: the most popular part molding technology, so what are the advantages of metal powder injection molding technology What? Let’s take a look with the editor of the powder metallurgy manufacturer.

1. It can produce materials and products with special structures and properties produced by ordinary smelting methods, such as new porous materials, porous separation membrane materials, high-performance structural ceramic abrasives and ceramic materials.

2. It can minimize the segregation of alloy components and eliminate the uneven coarseness of the as-cast structure.

3. Metal powder injection molding technology can realize near-net shape and automated mass production, which can effectively reduce the consumption of production resources and energy.

4. It can make full use of the scale of ore, tailings, steelmaking sludge, and steel rolling mills. Recycling metal scrap as raw materials is a new technology that can effectively recover and comprehensively utilize materials.

5. It can be used in a series of high-performance non-equilibrium materials such as amorphous and microcrystalline, crystal preparation, nanocrystalline, and supersaturated solid solution. These materials have excellent electrical, magnetic, optical and mechanical properties.

The technology has unique chemical composition and mechanical properties and physical properties, which are not obtainable by conventional casting methods. It can be directly made into porous, semi-dense or fully dense materials and products, such as oil-bearing bearings, gears, cams, guide rods, knives, etc.